Nétive VMS Suite: Control the entire hiring process through one online portal

Insight and overview

Centralise all hiring information and optimise your access to talent

Cost control

Clarity on costs upfront, no surprises later

Compliance management

Maintain an up-to-date dossier to comply with laws and regulations

The foundation of your hiring process and 'Total Talent Management'

Nétive VMS Suite assists organisations with diverse challenges. Which one resonates with you?

Is Excel currently the backbone of your hiring process? Are hiring documents scattered or incomplete?

While Excel may work well for hiring a few individuals, it becomes overwhelming when dealing with a larger number. Often, only one person understands the Excel sheet, making your hiring process vulnerable. How can you ensure compliance?

Is your hiring data scattered everywhere?

Apart from Excel, there might be HRIS, procurement systems, or ERP systems, each holding fragments of hiring information. Keeping these synchronised is challenging, and these systems aren’t inherently designed for an effective and secure hiring process.

Are you seeking automation to strategically manage external personnel ? Or moving towards Total Talent Management?

You have probably already automated many (partial) processes for your talent management. Integrating Nétive VMS Suite takes your hiring strategy to the next level, ensuring a future-proof talent strategy.

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No more searching, gain control over hiring

Stay ahead of the curve. Know exactly where you stand with your vacancies, candidates, contracts, and financial obligations.

Bid farewell to email or WhatsApp requests, agency-submitted candidates via email, non-market-rate candidates sourced through referrals, contracts stored on SharePoint or network drives, GDPR risks from non-hired candidates, and the repetitive handling of invoices and timesheets. From today, everything is consolidated in one portal.

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Clarity on costs upfront, no surprises later

No more discovering that someone has started only upon receiving the invoice

As a labour procurer, early awareness of future commitments is crucial. Even if you have those mapped out, you want to know if there are any changes to consider. Or what interventions are possible when it is necessary to save costs. This is where Nétive VMS Suite comes in. Approval steps can be included in the system before a commitment is made. There are also reports of real-time commitments (obligo) reports that alert you if there are deviations.

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Compliance with flex labour and freelance regulations

A comprehensive and controlled supplier and candidate dossier

Keeping up with existing regulations and anticipating new ones requires insight into your current workforce and practices. Nétive VMS Suite aids with an integrated compliance management system, allowing you to request, verify, and store compliance documents for both suppliers and candidates in a digital dossier.

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Uninterrupted workflow to achieve your talent goals

Centralisation is the path to optimisation

Nétive VMS Suite becomes the central hub for all information about hiring external personnel, making working with this data incredibly easy. Implement decision points in the system, such as the steps before a vacancy is posted externally, or a procurement flow. Adjust control levels based on process efficiency and compliance.

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Insight into the talent pool and performance of recruitment channels

The foundation for strategic workforce planning and 'total talent management'

During shortages or surpluses, understanding the competencies within your organisation is essential. Which ones are hard or easy to find? Which competencies do we need to invest in?

Measure and analyse data. With the integrated talent pool function, you have a diagonal view of all CVs of your employees and candidates. For example, take a good look at your existing population in times of shortage and promote through-flow!

Where do candidates come from? And how are the suppliers performing relative to each other? On cost and on placement? These kinds of metrics are important in deciding which channels and suppliers to invest in for a future-proof workforce plan.

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A smooth integration into the existing application landscape

From ERP and HRIS to procurement systems: our lines are open

While Nétive VMS Suite works well stand-alone, it seamlessly integrates with ERP or HRIS systems like SAP S/4HANA or Workday HCM, as well as your procurement system. The Open API framework facilitates connections with various processes in your application landscape.

Of course, Nétive VMS Suite works well stand-alone. But chances are that your organisational data resides in your ERP or HRIS, such as SAP S/4HANA or Workday HCM. Furthermore, your procurement system is probably in charge of purchase order numbers, based on which you conduct financial management. And when an employee starts, the onboarding is surely kicked off in your HRIS. These scenarios are familiar. Indeed, we anticipate them. Our Open API framework seamlessly integrates with these and other sub-processes in your application landscape.

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Clear expectations, personalised look & feel

For everyone involved in the process

Nétive VMS Suite is designed based on user requirements, with special attention to different roles, information needs and tasks in the process.

After logging in, users see their open tasks,which also ensures data security by preventing unauthorised access to data.

The application’s look & feel can be customised to match your organisation’s branding. A mobile app is also available for added convenience.

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External hiring, recruitment and projects

The broader you look, the more results you achieve

Nétive VMS Suite simplifies managing different forms of ‘sourcing’ by integrating external hiring with recruitment or outsourced projects. This streamlines processes and provides a unified overview.

Some organisations have gone so far as to integrate external hiring with recruitment. Or in other cases: external hiring with outsourced projects. Keeping track of these different forms of ‘sourcing’ soon becomes a patchwork. Of different applications that are connected to say something about it. Nétive VMS Suite brings simplicity to this. Use the recruitment module to oversee permanent staff recruitment. Or use the Statement of Work module to manage your outsourced projects and the onboarding of people.

total talent
Trusted partners:


Then you make sure your vacancies are published on the right channels, such as intranet for internal mobility, your career site and external job boards. Furthermore, you would like to inform your suppliers about your vacancy. You do this with a layering or segmentation (e.g. preferred and non-preferred), as agreed with your suppliers.

You collect all candidates in the Nétive VMS suite, in order to make a good assessment of the best candidates based on both price and quality. There are no budget surprises either: an indicative total bill is available the moment the application is completed.

You can check all provided information and also record all business agreements you make with them (e.g. framework agreements) in this file. You are even able to ensure that the agreements made are secured in the Nétive VMS Suite process.

You decide how open or closed the VMS Suite is to suppliers. Do only pre-contracted parties get access? Then that is the rule. Do you want more openness? Then take a look at our marketplace functionality.

In the VMS Suite, you can use the specific supplier dashboard to check whether work is being done compliantly and what the performance is in terms of supplying candidates. Both in volume and in quality. This way, you maintain an overview and have the right insight.

Utilise the marketplace for broader access to potential suppliers or freelancers. Direct sourcing offers a strategy for recruiting freelancers without intermediaries.

Marketplace – Would you also like to offer suppliers or self-employed workers with whom you are not yet doing business the opportunity for assignments within your organisation? Then use the Marketplace of Nétive VMS Suite. It publishes vacancies on a public website at your request. Interested parties then respond to these vacancies. They are then automatically guided through your compliance process. This means you not only have the CV immediately, but also all the supporting documents needed if suppliers want to do business with you. A handy feature, should the response from your usual supplier landscape be disappointing.

Direct Sourcing – The same open principle, but aimed at freelancers, is called direct sourcing. A recruitment strategy for freelancers, without the intervention of a third party.

Keep all CVs of candidates you have been offered in the Nétive VMS Suite. Use the system to ask candidates you have not hired whether you can keep their details, in accordance with the GDPR. This way, you build up a talent database that you can use the next time you have a vacancy. So you don’t have to go out and find talent first, look at who you already know!

Mobility – If the talent you are looking for is already working within the organisation and you want to move them on? Then use your talent pool for internal mobility.

Direct sourcing – Are you specifically looking for freelancers or candidates for permanent employment in the talent pool you have built up? That too is a form of direct sourcing made possible in this way.

This allows any interested party to register themselves and thus compete for a contract. Offers are kept in the vault and can be opened after the deadline. With clear assessment criteria in advance, the best candidate can be determined independently, in line with, for example, the EMVI method.

Feedback also takes place in the system. In this way, the transparency required by regulations is properly fulfilled. After the contract has been awarded, the system goes through the contract formation process. Compliance is very important here. That is why the order confirmation and other important documents are recorded in the digital file.

The Suite ensures that you define in advance from whom, you want what, when. Like which laws and regulations are important for the various forms of hiring. Think of your general terms and conditions, a quality mark, GDPR and much more.

The system ensures that a workflow for these documents is started for every new supplier, candidate or assignment. The system generates the documents for you. Or the system ensures that the owner of the document is notified that the document is delivered. As this process runs, you have insight into how compliant your hiring is and where you need to intervene. There is even the option that the process stops, if something is not complete. For example: No certificate of conduct in? Then you may not invoice.

Efficiently manage hours and invoices within Nétive VMS Suite, ensuring accuracy and transparency in the billing process.

Timesheets – Nétive VMS Suite is an application in which all parties involved, both internal and external, in the hiring process work together. This is most evident in the timesheets. The system helps the hired employee fill in the hours. Then the system notifies the manager of the timesheet, which is also approved in the VMS suite. This way, there is never any misunderstanding about the hours worked, which form the basis for the invoice. If you have another system for hours, these can be uploaded, after which the VMS Suite generates the invoice.

Invoices – The system contains all contract and hour agreements and uses them to generate invoices. How often this happens and which rules are important is adjustable. According to the reverse billing principle, suppliers and freelancers receive a message that their invoice has been generated by the system. They are then able to add their own invoice number, after which the invoice is legally valid.

This greatly reduces invoice administration costs. You then proceed to payment, with a link to your accounting system or with an export of your ‘account payables’. Would you rather have suppliers and freelancers generate the invoices themselves in a ‘classic’ way? Of course, that is also possible via our system!

The VMS Suite is equipped with more than 100 standard reports and dashboards, allowing you to instantly see how fulfilment is going. Which suppliers are doing well, which positions are difficult to fill, which commitments have been made, how many files are complete and much more! Should you need a report that is not standard in the system? No problem, you can easily create a custom report yourself.

All reports are also easy to share within the organisation. The system takes into account that recipients of the report only see the data for which they have rights. So do you have a nice overview dashboard? Share it with all managers and they get an overview of their own department(s).

Leverage advanced analytics within Nétive VMS Suite, utilising the power of the underlying Salesforce platform, including Tableau for AI-driven scenario analyses and predictions in multiple languages.

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In today's dynamic job market, forming a talent strategy is crucial. As the central hub of your HR systems, our VMS Suite offers both a solution for cost control and risk reduction as strategic insights for informed decisions. But it starts with forming your talent strategy.

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