During the recruitment process, an initial conversation about core values takes place. In this discussion, the four core values of Nétive VMS are reviewed, as well as the values that are important to you as an individual. The focus is not on the specifics of the role but on the alignment between you as a person and the organisation. It is a genuine dialogue, without judgment.
Jason: “I was personally very pleased with the core value of ‘connection’. It also represents collaboration, which I find important. This applies not only within our team, the consultancy team, but across all of Nétive VMS.”
Nétive VMS is currently in a growth phase, where we are looking at ways to standardise processes together. We do this with our team and hopefully with new colleagues in the near future. If you think you might be a good fit for our organisation, take a look at our job vacancies or send us an open message.
Fun, Integrity, Innovation, and Connection
Here you can learn more about all four core values.