9 ways to optimise processes with your VMS

Author: Nétive VMS

Process optimisation goes hand in hand with compliance and cost savings. Our VMS Suite fully supports programs on an international and even global scale, enabling your organisation to leverage your contingent workforce management program to achieve a competitive advantage.

There are several capabilities within our VMS Suite that help you streamline your contingent workforce management processes.

Below are some important optimisations we can help you achieve with our VMS Suite:

1-Optimise programme adoption

Hiring outside the system is almost impossible when the process is set up correctly. Strict procedures ensure that so-called maverick buying is a thing of the past.

2-Making the most of all sourcing models

An optimal process ensures the hiring managers submit all job requisitions centrally via the VMS Suite. Our platform then takes care of sourcing based on a predetermined strategy. Job requisitions can be distributed to approved service partners, preferred suppliers, independent contractors or the open market. All at the same time or based on a tiered system predefined by you.

3-Compliance management

Managing all the legal documents that must be accounted for, gathering approvals or signatures from resources, suppliers and hiring managers, can be a really cumbersome and time-consuming process. For example, think of:

  • Signed service and engagement agreements
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Proof of ID
  • Confidentiality agreement
  • Client’s health and safety instructions and other policies, degrees, certificates, diplomas, etc.

Many of these legislative requirements are country specific, which demands an incredible accuracy of your organisation to manage it fully.

Our VMS Suite does exactly this. We automatically generate all required legal documents, collect all required documents, track checklists and manage them on approval, expiration and retention. Internationally and even globally.

Unique is our capability to not only issue alerts in case of non-compliance, but also impose restrictions, for example, in case of delays or incorrect document submission.  With this optimised process, you can always guarantee contingent worker’s compliance files are maintained up-to-date.

4-Approval process of assignment extensions

Tacit renewals and rolling contracts are a thing of the past if you have an optimal process to enable assignment extensions. The platform will require the approval from at least one individual with procurement rights or a budget approver before an extension can be actioned – with the possibility of further configuration to include multiple approvers, if required.

5-Controlled on- and off-boarding

A VMS will be critical for an efficient process of on and off-boarding external talent. Before a candidate starts to work, the system will send a notification to the department that arranges e.g. email accounts, access cards and/or lockers.  Similarly, at the end of the assignment, all relevant accounts will be closed and facility access removed.

6-Reducing the number of invoices

The large number of invoices that is involved with the use of a contingent workforce is often the bottleneck for the financial department. By digitalising the process and using consolidated invoices, this number can be greatly reduced. A case study shows that an organisation’s 30,000 invoices per year were reduced to 26 invoices per week. And, perhaps more importantly, the error rate was 0%. With an automated workflow, hours can only be invoiced after they have been digitally approved.

A case study shows that an organisation’s 30,000 invoices per year were reduced to 26 invoices per week. And, perhaps more importantly, the error rate was 0%.

7-Candidate submission

Often, candidate submission is carried out by phone and email. This can be an intensive and time-consuming process, especially for roles where many candidates have been identified. However, this process can be completely digitalised and streamlined. As soon as the job requisition has been distributed to the suppliers, their consultants can acknowledge receipt and then can digitally start submitting candidates via the portal. The MSP will receive a list of candidates via the system, with only the best candidates being short-listed and submitted to the hiring manager.

8-Resource engagement

The process of engaging new resources can be cumbersome, with errors easily made. With our VMS, the onboarding process can be  greatly digitalised, minimising mistakes, increasing compliance and saving valuable time. There is transparency and full visibility of the whole procurement process: price agreements and the candidate profile are stored within the system;  the job requisition is created by the relevant hiring manager; and the candidate submission is digitally completed by the supplier. By combining all this information, a contract is automatically generated, meaning Incorrect contracts will no longer be one of your concerns.

9-Time reporting

Organisations that utilise an external workforce, process thousands of timesheets each year. A process more than viable for process optimisation. For temporary resources, these are often weekly timesheets with different types of allowances, overtime percentages and expense sheets. For secondment workers and independent contractors, these are monthly reports that in both cases must be approved by the hiring manager and then sent to the supplier for invoicing and payment.

This complex process with so many stakeholders can be fully digitalised. No paper timesheet will have to be used. Worked hours can also be digitally provided to suppliers, if required, so that they can be recorded in their own systems.

This automated reporting method ensures that invoices are issued only for hours and expenses that have been duly approved by the relevant manager, which leads to a seamless invoicing process.